St Swithin's Day


"St Swithin’s day if thou dost rain, For forty days it will remain;
St. Swithin's day, if thou be fair, For forty days 'twill rain na mair."


At Grant Macdonald London, we’re respectful of tradition - it’s only by learning the techniques passed down through the generations that our craftsmen are able to transform precious metals into precious (and useful) objects d’art. Although we use cutting edge technology to set our workshop apart, much of our designs are rooted in lessons from the past - and you’ll find ancient beasts and ancient techniques throughout our collection.



On the subject of ancient things, St Swithin’s Day arrives on July 15th. It’s an old legend with contentious roots - a superstition that asks us to pay attention to the weather - because, it’s said, if it rains on St Swithin’s Day, it will continue to rain for forty days.

It’s worth noting that the UK has never seen 40 consecutive days of rainfall, regardless of how cloudy the 15th may be. Nor have we seen 40 days of unbroken sunshine - more’s the pity. But just in case this year is different, we’ve got a couple of ideas to get you through the weather to come.

If thou dost rain…

If the heavens open on the 15th, you may want to invest in something to enjoy indoors. Nothing brightens up a grey day like a stiff drink - so we recommend reaching for the solid crystal decanter that holds court over our Paragon Bar Set. Assuming it’s filled with something warm(ing), it’ll make an excellent companion for the forty rainy days to come, although you may want to nip out to the shop to top it up at some point, so make sure you have an umbrella to hand. 

The Paragon Bar set comprises two handsomely weighted hand-cut crystal tumblers to match the crystal decanter, which has a sterling silver stopper made and hallmarked in London. The stopper makes use of the latest technology and the finest silversmithing craftsmanship.



If thou be fair…

Of course, it might not rain on the 15th - and if the forecast seems to be set for some fairly decent spells, you won’t want to be cooped up inside at all. Still, forty days of uninterrupted sun is worth raising a glass to - and for that, we recommend the Paragon silver champagne flutes, hand-made in our London workshop and designed specifically to enhance the experience of sipping champagne. Pair a glass or two with some strawberries and make the most of the great British summer-time.



Of course, if Champagne isn’t your tipple of choice, you can always mix up something delicious and serve it in our Paragon highball glasses. Our Crystal is glass with 24% lead oxide added to give it a bit more sparkle when the light catches it - and with forty days of sun ahead of us, there’ll be plenty of light to play with. Cocktail, anyone?


It’s rare that we get to predict the weather here in the UK, so it’s best to be prepared for any eventuality. With our Paragon collection, you’ll have a glass to hand come rain or shine.

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